╝Today my anti-gravity field failed and I was driven to walking like a terrestrial. (I know, right?) The worst of it, though, was that I looked totaly uncouth using my
zero gravity cup.

(0g or OG?)
╩However, it wasn't such a loss, because (as all of us extra-dimensional beings know), The Kool-Aid Jammer is the best intergalactic beverage container.
╦Checking the on board garden, I found seeds for the latest crop: Burpee brand Super Beefsteak Tomatoes.
╔Now, I typically find myself in support of genetically modified foods; the hybridization of lifeforms appears to be a friendly cousin to Nature's evolution. But really? This is too far. Hybridizing meat and plant? Animal and plant hibridization, I could see—that would be utterly ingenious. But this isn't animal and plant synthesis; this is
meat and plant synthesis. Where's the fun in this? We're splicing a dead animal—a part of a dead animal—with a plant. What's happening here is the equivalent of calling a horse with human eyes a centaur.
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